Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How To Choose The Right Pop-Up Cleat

When it comes to boat equipment, choosing the right pop-up cleat is an important one. There are many types of cleats available in the market and you have to choose the one that suits you best. Here are some pointers that will help you choose the right cleat for your boat (and remember, if you have any questions, our experts are here to help!).

Size and Quality

First and most important aspect is the size of the cleat which you must choose based on the size of the boat. If the cleat is too small, it may be incapable of keeping the boat tied up in place. The best material for a strong and durable cleat is 316L stainless steel. Other alloys or other types of steel would rust and may even begin to destroy your boat. Pop-up cleats look very neat as is, and you really don’t need to go for a classic design either. There are a lot of stylish cleats to choose from - and they’re just as effective as any old fashioned cleat. Choose a style that is in tune with your boating lifestyle.

Fit and Finish

Make sure you get a backing plate with locking nuts along with the cleat assembly. This keeps them in place even when under stress. Lifting cleat models are also available separately, so you must buy them if you need to lift the boat using the cleat. Most modern pop-up cleats come with facility to hold and drain water. The water collected should be safely discarded at an appropriate place. Water dripping here and there would surely spoil your boating experience. And of course, make sure your pop-up cleat fits completely so that there are no issues after installation.

Buying a pop-up cleat is not at all complicated, but these are just a few things that one must keep in mind. You don’t buy boating hardware every day, so make sure you do it right the very first time.

Have you installed pop-up cleats on your boat?

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